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 The Muse

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Féminin Messages : 3100
Date d'inscription : 30/10/2011
Age : 40
Localisation : Nantes
Emploi/loisirs : Fangirl

The Muse Empty
MessageSujet: The Muse   The Muse EmptyVen 11 Nov 2011, 11:10

The Muse

You're a diamond,
That I'm afraid to touch
You're damn near flawless,
And I'm sure you'd cut
On my eyes, my hands, my head, my heart,
You tear this canvas skin apart
Oh, what a waste of human art that'd be
You're a dungeon,
but you're made of glass
Your prisoners have no idea they're trapped
Because you look so beautiful inside,
It makes us feel like we're alive
But, Lord knows, we'll never survive your walls

Didn't you knew that all along,
You didn't need to hear your song?
And if you don't know that then,
you might as well be dead

Medusa's child preserved her former looks
She kept her out of all the storybooks
Just to get back at all of the men,
Who have tried time and time again,
To claim the right of her demise and end

A million years go by and,
You're still around
You're knocking us off our feet,
you're knocking us down
But we still can't leave you alone,
The way you move one would be prone
To want to be turned into stone by you

Didn't you know that all along,
You didn't need to hear your song?
And if you don't know that then
you might as well be dead

You make me feel so alive,
but it's consequence
I want to be dead

Was it how you arrived?
I can't tell or was it
in the way you left us here

Didn't you know that all along,
You didn't need to hear your song?
And if you don't know that then
you might as well, might as well ohh!
You didn't need to hear your song?
Cause you just knew it all along
You didn't know that so you might as well, might as well be dead...
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The Muse

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