TéléchargementBroadway.com Audience Choice Awards(J'ai retranscrit les paroles moi-même donc vous excuserez le trou et les éventuelles erreurs
I've always loved hosting,
Okay, I was bored
I'm all that Broadway.com can afford.
What the theater needs most : another award.
Oh Broadway is nice, the 8th avenue reeks.
But what do I know? I was here for three weeks.
With theater awards, here's what I know :
To get a nomination, just open a show.
I urge all my fellow TV stars to go.
Musicians are late, the stagehands are freaks
It all seems pretty great if you do it for three weeks
I gave it a try, I even got by
Without craft services trucks
Got dressed to the nines
Learned most of my lines
Just like ???
But with a million bucks
(I didn't write that joke)
And now one more trophee to put on the shelf.
Get drunk and rejoice, you've shared your voice,
The winner's your choice. Disagree? Blame yourself.
And I'm glad for the people,
The people I've met.
The theater folk are as cool as they get.
The time that I spent isn't time I regret
And as for the message boards,
They can just suck my... you know...
Cause they don't know what the f*ck they're talking about.
It wasn't a tragedy, thanks to those gleeks.
Next time they better book me for more than three weeks.